Seymour Staffing

The State of Manufacturing Jobs

Manufacturing Jobs

We’re halfway through the new year and what a year it’s been. With a new presidential candidate in the whitehouse and a new political party in power, many people are wondering what the state of the manufacturing sector is.

Manufacturing, after all, l seems to go hand and hand with the economy. When the economy is hitting it’s highest so is the manufacturing sector and so on.

The State of Manufacturing in the United Sates

Manufacturing is continuing to rise though, just as President Trump said it would be when he got elected but this is not just because of him. Manufacturing has been rising in the US since 2011, in particular in the central states such as Indiana and Kentucky.

However there are some states that are starting to see a drop in manufacturing. Houston, a city that has primarily been known as a manufacturing city int he past, has been hit the worst. Dropping 2,220 jobs since 2011, manufacturing jobs are the lowest they’ve been in years. Other states including those in the mid-west that survive on oil manufacturing have seen jobs decline as well, including Oklahoma and Louisana.

What’s the future though? It’s still hard to tell, but what comes up must come down. The economy has been booming since 2011 so it’s only a matter of time until we see a decline.

For Your Manufacturing Staffing Help, Contact Seymour Staffing

Seymour Staffing is here to help you with all of your staffing needs. For immediately staffing help contact us by calling 919-424-6318 or submit your project to our contact firm.

As a CAD Designer with over 10 years of Project Manager experience Charlie Seymour is the Vice President of Operations of Seymour Staffing, Inc. a hiring and placement firm for white-collar workers throughout the Triangle.


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