Seymour Staffing

What Does the Solar Panel Tariff Mean For Manufacturing?

Green energy, for year’s it has been a growing sector in the manufacturing industry but what does Trump’s recent tariff mean for this sector? 

Before we begin, it’s important to understand the tariff itself. The tariff proposes a penalty for solar panels that come into the United States. The theory is that this tariff will help reduce the jobs going overseas and encourage job growth in the United States.

However, this tariff has actually had the opposite effect than was attended and has caused many renewable energy companies in the United States to freeze investments and to cancel larger solar panel projects, that could affect thousands of jobs in the nation and manufacturing sector.

What does this mean for manufacturing?

Well yes, Trump is trying to give jobs back to the United States but those jobs will come slower than expected. Energy has long been a growing sector in the United States, but without the panels coming from overseas it’s now going to take awhile for United States manufacturing to catch up with what was being made overseas.

The tariff is rumored to have cost 23,000 workers jobs, many believe which will affect many building and manufacturing companies. The jobs will eventually come back as companies in the United States look to invest in solar manufacturing but it will take awhile. Manufacturing does not happen overnight and it might take months before we regain the jobs that we once had.

Looking for a manufacturing job? We can help.

Seymour Staffing his a full service manufacturing company located in Raleigh, North Carolina with offices in Tennessee, Virginia, Georgia, and South Carolina. To learn more about our staffing services please give us a call at 919-424-6318 or visit us online today.

As a CAD Designer with over 10 years of Project Manager experience Charlie Seymour is the Vice President of Operations of Seymour Staffing, Inc. a hiring and placement firm for white-collar workers throughout the Triangle.


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