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Louisville Staffing Opportunities

With manufacturing plants of Lousville Slugger, Ford and General Electric, Lousiville Kentucky is turning into a manufacturing hub. Despite it's manufacturing growth though finding the right employees can still be problematic which is where we come in.

A full-service staffing agency we help manufacturers find the right employees. We hire for all manufacturing positions including:

– Assembler – Brand Designer
– Designer – Electrician
– Logistics Coordinator – Production Supervisor
– Sales Coordinators – Warehouse Manager

Finding the right talent can be tough, even for a staffing agency. Thankfully our team has real-world experience in manufacturing plants that give us insight in what it takes to excel in the manufacturing world.


Information And Links For Louisville, KY

City Information – Kentucky Employment Commission – Things to do in Louisville

Manufacturing Recruiters in Louisville

A full-service recruiting agency for manufacturers, Seymour Staffing is determined to help people find the right employees for their job. To learn more about our manufacturing staffing services give us a call at 859-629-3992 or fill out our job form here and a recruiter will contact you today.


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