The State of Manufacturing in the US continues to be a key indicator for many on where the economy is and how the country is facing against these troubling times.
As long as the country has been around, manufacturing has continued to be one of our predominant industries in the United States. Don’t let the ideas of manufacturing going overseas fool you, the mid-west and southeast are still filled with manufacturing companies both small and big. Though many manufacturing plants have received slowdowns like most companies due to COVID, they continue to be beating and continue to be going and don’t appear to be completely stopping at any time.
Where is Manufacturing in Q4?
Though very few manufacturers actually continued to close during the recessing, many did see a slowdown this year. Many manufacturers did experience slowdown during the middle of the year and at the beginning of Q2, this was caused by a number of factors including lack of workers and lack of actual sales of their products due to the COVID-19 virus. Just like many businesses, they were affected, but many businesses have since appeared to rebounded and are hoping to be back to normal numbers by the end of the year.
Saying that many manufacturers are not fearing the economy or the current COVID situation. In a recent poll 91%, of manufacturers said that they were confident that the economy would recover and many actually see that this is a great time to work on things like operational procedures and machine automation.
The only concern on the horizon could actually not be COVID but finding employees that have the actual abilities and skills that employees are looking for.
Call Seymour Staffing to Fill All of Your Manufacturing Jobs Today
Seymour Staffing is here to help you with all of your manufacturing issues. Simply contact us today using the form below and we'll be in touch.